• 白水晶:有助于净化负能量,提升正能量,增强集中力。
• 紫水晶:帮助镇静心神,提升灵性和直觉。
• 黄水晶:有助于增加自信和财运,带来积极的能量。
• 粉水晶:象征爱与和谐,帮助提升人际关系,带来心灵的安慰。
The Four Seasons Crystal bracelet is a combination of various crystals, typically including clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, and rose quartz, representing the energy cycle of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each crystal has unique energy and effects, such as:
• Clear Quartz: Helps purify negative energy, boost positive energy, and enhance focus.
• Amethyst: Assists in calming the mind and enhancing spirituality and intuition.
• Citrine: Aids in boosting confidence and attracting prosperity, bringing positive energy.
• Rose Quartz: Symbolizes love and harmony, improving relationships and offering emotional comfort.
The Four Seasons Crystal Bowl helps promote overall mind-body balance, allowing a stable and harmonious flow of energy through different seasons, bringing peace and harmony. This crystal arrangement is ideal for home or office spaces to create a positive energy field, promoting happiness and prosperity.